the documentary

In Spain, 7 out of 10 people are exhausted. Burnout society and invasive communication: Kómoda, life without energy analyses the nature of this social fatigue and proposes the revision of current communication models. The work began in December 2018 and concluded in July 2019 with the acquisition of the documentary by AMC Networks.

the documentary

In Spain, 7 out of 10 people are exhausted. Burnout society and invasive communication: Kómoda, life without energy analyses the nature of this social fatigue and proposes the revision of current communication models. The work began in December 2018 and concluded in July 2019 with the acquisition of the documentary by AMC Networks.

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I. Initial situation

Sleep insufficiency, extensive work schedules, stress… Analysing the causes of social fatigue allows us to evaluate to what extent 24x7x365 connectivity makes us more social or more solitary and what role communication plays in this entire process.

I. Initial situation

Sleep insufficiency, extensive work schedules, stress… Analysing the causes of social fatigue allows us to evaluate to what extent 24x7x365 connectivity makes us more social or more solitary and what role communication plays in this entire process.

II. Objectives

We wanted to create a social climate that would discuss about these issues and, ultimately, reveal the need to change the parameters of life and communication to make them more sustainable.

II. Objectives

We wanted to create a social climate that would discuss about these issues and, ultimately, reveal the need to change the parameters of life and communication to make them more sustainable.

III. Strategic considerations

The central axis is a documentary and its development. We launched digital spaces, micro videos, a demoscopic study (barometer of exhaustion in Spain). The campaign claims a scheme where people transcend their role as consumers to regain prominence as citizens.

III. Strategic considerations

The central axis is a documentary and its development. We launched digital spaces, micro videos, a demoscopic study (barometer of exhaustion in Spain). The campaign claims a scheme where people transcend their role as consumers to regain prominence as citizens.

IV. Implementation details

The campaign starts with the filming and presentation of the film’s host-narrator: Nicolás Coronado. The filming of the documentary is planned to narrate its development in networks. In March, the roadshow begins with the results of the survey, which are presented in the 17 autonomous communities of Spain.

Results and metrics

With an attendance of more than 200 people at the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas (Madrid)

With an attendance of more than 400 people. During this projection, Kómoda becomes a national Trending Topic.

Announces the acquisition of the rights to the documentary for broadcast in Spain and Portugal through its Canal Odisea.

The premiere in Spain is set for September 24th 2019 at 22:00 hours.

Media impacts
Media audience impacts
Potential social media impacts

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