Mis motivos

First giveaway with hashtag challenge and influencers carried out on TikTok Spain

#MisMotivosVueling was the first campaign launched by Vueling on the social network TikTok and was ground-breaking for launching the first giveaway with hashtag challenge and influencers carried out on this social network at a national level in Spain.

Mis motivos

First giveaway with hashtag challenge and influencers carried out on TikTok Spain

#MisMotivosVueling was the first campaign launched by Vueling on the social network TikTok and was ground-breaking for launching the first giveaway with hashtag challenge and influencers carried out on this social network at a national level in Spain.

Reasons to
getget backback onon a plane

#MisMotivosVueling sought to find out all the reasons why users wanted to get back on a plane after the toughest stage of the pandemic and was the kick off of Vueling's TikTok channel.

For its development, T&C worked in collaboration with Vueling's marketing team and agencies McCann and Carat.

Motivos para
volvervolver aa volarvolar

#MisMotivosVueling sought to find out all the reasons why users wanted to get back on a plane after the toughest stage of the pandemic and was the kick off of Vueling's TikTok channel.

For its development, T&C worked in collaboration with Vueling's marketing team and agencies McCann and Carat.

Participation of influencersinfluencers

The initiative included the participation of renowned national influencers such as Twin Melody, Hector Riumbau and Paula Gonu, who joined the hashtag challenge, challenging their communities to participate in the campaign. In addition, to increase the reach of the action, several advertising campaigns were launched on TikTok, with top view, trends section and in feed formats, and community management and the generation of proactive engagement on the social network were actively worked on.

ImpactoImpacto en redes

> 860 M

Total views in TikTok

1 M

Shares during the challenge

> 19,2 M

Likes during the challenge

6 days

on the top of Top Trends

AwardsAwards andand recognitionsrecognitions

Premio Paraguas
Best Digital Marketing Strategy
November, 2021